Computers addon

Computers 01

The Computers 01 addon contains a desktop PC, laptop and a handful of animations for your actors to interact with them.

The desktop comes with it's own desk and works as a normal interactive prop. Click on it to sit your actor down then chose from the 3 different computer use animations. The laptop works as a held prop for people sat on a sofa. Sit them down select the laptop held prop and either jump straight in with the typing animations or do the whole pick up and put down thing.

The laptop animations only really work on the sofa, time constraints stopped me from retargeting them to every seated position.

  • Desktop and Laptop props.
  • multiple computer use animations.
Only £5!

The Paypal button will take you to the secure Paypal payment page. On receipt of payment I will Email you a link to the addon pack and a password - so make sure Paypal have your correct Email address!

Disclaimer - This pack has been tried and tested and is working to the level desired. Please ensure that your copy of Moviestorm is up to date and running correctly before assuming there is an error with this pack!


25th Jan '11

Cthulhu lives!

22nd Jan '11

All systems go!

21st Jan '11

Finishing touches

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